About me and Qualifications

About me

The body houses emotional stress and trauma.

In 2006, I received a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, which disrupted my life as my body turned against itself. This struggle was particularly challenging with a young family, as I battled fatigue, brain fog, and physical discomfort. Medical interventions were beneficial yet I still felt like I needed more. Motivated to improve my quality of life, I delved into extensive research.

My turning point came during a lecture that discussed the potential link between childhood trauma, the body’s stress response, and autoimmune conditions. It was like a lightbulb moment for me. I initiated personal changes, including addressing my own stored trauma and how it had led me to disconnect from intense emotions. I realised that this coping mechanism, while once vital  had become a hindrance to living fully and was negatively impacting my relationships.  I came to understand that my dysregulated nervous system had been locked in a survival response,  contributing to my life.

This realisation set me on a path of personal development. I explored my inner self in a supportive environment, guided by compassionate therapists. I discovered the profound significance of human connection. Sharing vulnerably with a trusted person,  being truly heard and accepted allows for a sense of freedom and the rightful space for joyful emotions. This journey led to a 3-year Diploma, and in 2017  I became a qualified therapist. I have a professional interest in attachment trauma and dissociation, stemming from my personal experience. I developed a passion for assisting others in illuminating their own inner struggles, helping them reconnect with themselves and their loved ones.

My clients have been incredible teachers, showing me the immense courage it takes to seek help and embark on their personal journeys. As a therapist, it’s both inspiring and heartwarming to witness people move through fear, anger, and pain, eventually reaching acceptance, empowerment, passion, and joy, often with a touch of humour.

When I’m not working with clients or spending time with my family and friends, you’ll often find me outdoors, capturing the beauty of the world through photography. Music, walks, and nature provide solace for my soul.

Kate Barnes

I am a registered Member of NCIP. The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists.

Training and Qualifications

  • Diploma in Transpersonal Therapeutic Counselling, with Clearmind International. Completing Practitioners Training, 1, 2 and 3 in the theory and supervised practice of individual, Family and Group Counselling.
  • Certificate in AEDP ( Accelerated, Experiential, Dynamic, Psychotherapy) level 1 – Dyadic repair of Attachment Trauma- with Diana Fosha
  • Certificate in EFT- Dr. Sue Johnson’s Intensive Course in Emotionally Focused Therapy: Attachment ­based interventions for couples in crisis
  • Certificate in Risking, Reaching and Responding: Transforming Relationships in Stage 2(EFT)
  • Certificate in working with Grief and Loss – with CICS
  • Certificate in Dyadic Regulation of emotions and transformation of self.
  • Certificate of Advanced Training for Trauma Treatment of Complex PTSD – with Eric Gentry.
  • Certificate of Participation with Dr Gabor Maté, ‘illness and health in a toxic society.’
  • Certificate of Participation with Professor Franz Rupert, ‘Correlation of health, illness and trauma.’
  • Facilitator of therapeutic groups.
  • First and second degree, training in both lineages of the Usui system of Reiki.
  • 10 years of my own personal development work.

“And I said to my body, softly: ‘I want to be your friend’.
It took a long breath and replied: ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this’”

Nayyirah Waheed