Contact me

Contact me

If you are looking for support, please contact me for confidential sessions and I’ll get back to you within 48hrs.  I offer a free 20 min consultation to give you an opportunity to meet me and ask any questions.  It’s important that you find the right therapist for you, so grab yourself a cup of tea or coffee and join me from the privacy of your own home/office.

If you are struggling right now and need immediate help with your mental health, please contact a crisis helpline;

Samaritans offer a free listening service, on 116 123( 24hrs). For CALM, call 0800 585858 ( 5pm- 12pm).  If you are under 19, you can also call Childline, on 0800 1111– the number will not appear on your phone bill. Alternatively, call 999 or attend your local hospital’s, Accident and Emergency department